Maximum Sweetness

Boku no nagareboshi!
Beach Bummers

Kenny spotted

Can you bring me back to southpark?..i am not afraid anymore coz i got Rado's helmet!
Enter the matrix!
Paparazzi latest!
Hookdastank & Enriko iglesias

Hoobastank vocalist Rob Duog was seen together with enriko iglesias at a private party at a mama shop along little india.Rumours had it that both of them are working on a rock latin love single that will rock Little India!!
Artist of the Month
10 Cent

With his debut album Too much time to kill, 10 cent has effortlessly sparked off the trend of Hip-hop music. Hit after hit -- "In da Toilet," "In your dreams!," "Squirt da Daisy" and even did a track with famous rapper , G-Spot for " Who da hell is 10 cent?". After a two-year wait, 10 cent returns with the release of his new album , Retroristically Unsound.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Whats the point of having a blog?
Does perception of sumeone really matter or what?
What is wrong with butches nowadays?
Singapore is a fine city esp when its nearing NDP
Grooveriders will unite one fine day!
Why must this sem class timing sux?
who created the word "horny"?
what if the world is square?
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? ."
"Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose"
"charming the pants"
"If you cannot convince them, confuse them"

Links Blogs
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
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April 2005
Jokes of the week
25 Kids' Books That Didn't Make It

1- You're Different -- And That's Bad
2- The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3- Robert: Dad's New Wife
4- Fun Four-Letter Words to Know & Share
5- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
6- Kathy Was So Bad That Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
7- Curious George & The High-Voltage Fence
8- All Cats Go to Hell
9- The Little Sissy That Snitched
10- Why Can't Mr. Fork & Mrs. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
11- That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption
12- Grandpa Gets A Casket
13- 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
14- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15- Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
16- The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17- Strangers Have the Best Candy
18- Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
19- You Were An Accident
20- Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
21- Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
22- Your Nightmares Are Real
23- Where Would You Like to Be Buried?
24- You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
25- Valuable Protein & Other Nutritional Benefits of Things From Your Nose
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***This blog might not be updated daily by the owner as probably he has better things to do***

Where thoughts of psychedelic philosophical creatified nonchalanical paradigmatic ubiquitously of mine unites!
Monday, July 26

Defcon 2

Thats one of the pic all of us on the 2nd floor...its so dark!.Anyway school pace has fasten ...schoolwork being piling,CT in 3 more weeks,projects are coming soon,java programming is getting more ridicule and i still haven even buy a single textbook. 

Eddy finally set up his blog after all da hoo haas...check out the "jiwang" aka sentimental guy blog on my links.Dun believe his words that i phycoed him to blog tho its on his own free will. =)

Rado @ 7:30 PM
Sunday, July 25

Haunted "6" Building
Mind check 1 2 …check  knock check….im ok…nope no bad spirits in me. Reached home at 4.10am just now, washed up and I cant sleep…what happen just now is really spooky to the max! okok im going to do this entry in point form coz I am to lazy to type all out like a compo(hey im a lazy person…true true plus is already so late now)

>Met up wif da gangs at jalan kayu to have prata for supper.
(Cx,Ganesh,pareira and me!....chit chat,slack,tock crap,watch cars n bikes and ate the famous egg and cheese prata! )

>Explore the seletar camp area and look for the haunted abandon military bunk

>Reached the Haunted bunk which is totally creepy and run down. Slacked outside the building as we build up our courage before entering the compound. While waiting a big trailer passed by us and was shining their torches towards the bunk….wth for a moment we thought they are the famous SPI(Singapore Paranormal Investigators ) team wanting to check out the bunk too. So we then approach the trailer to check out on em.

Me:Hey you guys checking out that bunk too?
Driver:Yeah…you guys too?
Ganesh:Yah…why don’t we go check it out together?
Driver:Ok ….ill go park my trailer first. Meet you guys there.

Cool so we now just team up with some so called crazy ppl like us. There are actually 6 of em,3 gals and  guys.2 of the gals decided to wait inside the trailer while the other four of em followed us. Fortunately they brought along torches and flashlights which would aids us more!

As we regroup...they told us that they wanted to check out this bunk as they use to be station at this bunk during their ns life. Great now we have experienced tour guide name fir and manz…power purple! Fir and man lead us around….as we are walking we chatted about the SPI and soon realizes that they have friends who are in the SPI and they frequent these type of places to investigate. Walking around is so freaking…weeds and total darkness surrounds us as we explore the 3 storey rundown building. Corridors are filthy with dead leaves, weeds ,broken glasses and gods knows what else.

As we walked along the corridors and enter the room…fir will tell us the history and the propose of the rooms and the stories behind it.

>When to ground floor the toilet and it really whacked up esp when they told us about one of their platoon mate ghost encounter at that particular cubicle!!

>Enter a room at the second floor and was shock to see an old dusty volleyball on the floor!!...WTH is that ball doing there? Ganesh wanted to kick around with that ball but then  advised not to touch anything as there might be spirits in it. Scary shitz
>The scariest kickass whoopass cutthroat heart stopping breathtaking room is the where we all 8 of us enter this particular room on the 3 level. It gave us the shock of our life when fir shone his torchlight to this big old freaking Chinese altar!!! He quickly switch off his lights and shouted ok don’t look at the statue directly in the eyes as it bad thing will come find you...holy crap my heart stop pumping and everyone just keep quiet and still for a while! POWER PURPLE!!...i can actually feel my hair standing and shiver up my spine when all of us were motionless and speechless. Slowly we when out of the room….

>We saw this really puzzling thingy…a big number 6 was seen on the center of the building. It doest seems like paint but look like crawling roots…now how can the root twined up and in a number 6 shape??

>After exploring the rooms…they pointed to us that there use to be a runway at the current Singapore Youth Flying club building opp the bunk and how they and several of the platoon mates saw a lady in white running across the runway in the middle of the night! And all the other ghostly encounter of the bunk.

Whacked shitz…I typed a lot already and feeling sleepy now.Ill post some pic which ganesh took with his 6600.Good nite and hey!...dont forget to look over your shoulder  sometimes at night…there might be something or somethere there….it might be now.LOOK OVER NOW!!!

Rado @ 4:44 AM
Friday, July 23

I love fridays
I love fridays...i dunnoe why but i really love friday!Rock and roll class,weekends,slacking mood and all other stuff.During rock roll class i was shock to find out someone actually mark and sign my attandence...i ask around my circles of classmates who usually help me to sign but none of them actually sign for me in fact most of em were absent today! Having felt that i can only sign in once and dun want to waste this chance i decided to sign in for izwan who has been absent twice compared to my other clicks with only 1 absence.Now...who could have possibly sign in for me...hmm...i check with all da guys in the class except Givenchy which i realy dun think he will sign for me.Hmmm.........who could it be...
Met up with azman in da mid afternoon...we had a real good long chat.Soo  many  changes and stories/politics over @ paradigm.His into bartending now boy is his flairing skills improve greatly now.Show me several tricks with his newly acquired flairing set and i almost sprain my wrist! its really not ez thing to do alrite.Managed to motivate him to finish up with his bike practical...he seems to lose hope after failing his tp twice.
CX finally passed his tp last thursday...he all so worked up in finding his dream bike which is an aprilla rs 125.Keep telling him not to buy european bikes as its maintainence is very high considering its a sport bike and all of its spare part have to be import from overseas..but he still insist on buying it!....haiz as a saying goes...."Asalkan kau bahagianlahhhh"....wheich means as long as you happylahhhh -.-lets just hope he wont end up like my fren zai who rides an apprilla and had to spend $1500 on its engine when the piston jams! Dammit...why does some ppl so hard-headed!
Anyway...lets just hope that cx will clinch the deal between Mindstorm and Marine parade Grc so that yaney can have loads of work to do...hehe juz kidding yah yaney =) ill end this entry with a picture some of da peepz from mindstorm!Enjoy...oh yah the guy in the middel is my boss.The best boss you can ever wish for...why?...which boss would actually buy personal cues for its employee to play pool huh?Haha...*thumbs up*

Rado @ 6:27 PM
Monday, July 19

Barbie Dolls are blond

Rado @ 4:07 PM

Singalong everybody!
Fumbling his confidence
And wondering why the world has passed him by
Hoping that he's bid for more than arguments
And failed attempts to fly, fly
[Chorus]We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Dreaming about Providence
And whether mice or men have second tries
Maybe we've been livin with our eyes half open
Maybe we're bent and broken, broken
[Chorus] We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life, yeah
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live
We were meant to live

Rado @ 12:20 AM
Saturday, July 17

My Couz

Here is a pic of my fav cousin with his girlfren who just graduated from NUS! Still can remember him influencing me and my bro when we were young to rock and roll.Greenday? metallica? you name it...his all into it.Hmm...dunnoe how he manage to graduate ...neva seen him studying but always sleeping or eating(sambal fanatic) or maybe watching Tv*haha*Genius?Maybe...Great guy ...proud to have him as my cousin.Keep on rocking couz!

Rado @ 1:51 AM

I am begginning to miss my DX brudders ...secondary school life rocks coz of my bros.Hell yeah...those were the days.We haven been contacting each other much ever since O lvls. What happen to them??..well besically all of us are seperated after the Os.None gets into poly(Haha)...some goes to the ite,some retake their o level and manage to go to poly and some just stop going to school anymore.Life seems to change so very fast...so does ppl...lost contact with zaf...heard he formed his own Bboys crew,Lucy now serving his NS and we still play soccer and meet up at times,Az graduated from ite and going to serve ns soon,Zul  is riding a Kawa and also is serving ns and so does Is in the police force with god know when he is going to buy his bike,Fuad now in Nyp doing engineering and waiting for his dream bike to drop from the skies LOL ....and as for me ...im thrown in to Ngee Ann Poly school of ICT where the nerds breeds.
Indeed...people come people go.Some change for the good ..some change for the bad.Brudders go...new brudders come...thats how it is,same goes for friends and buddies.Maybe oneday we can have a super-duper reunion oneday after NS...maybe...hopefully.Anyway this song below really reminds me of my lost bros....check it out!
"Goodbye Again"
I'm on the outside, looking in
What do I see?
So much of this left to begin
Where would I be?
I'm on the outside, looking in
Cover me through this night
Guess I don't know what's, left to say
But hear me out
All of the dreams of, yesterday
Keep breaking me down
What's on the outside, can you say
Or am I getting carried away
It's in your mind
It's in your eyes
So it's goodbye again
It's way past time
For one last try
So it's goodbye again
Goodbye... again I'm getting on, what's the use
You know how I get
I can't decide which is the truth
At least not yet I got the feeling, it's you
What can be said, alone in this room
It's in your mind
It's in your eyes S
o it's goodbye again
It's way past time
For one last try
Who wants you now?
Maybe somebody else
I'll wait around
Maybe you'll forget you were ever here
Maybe forget you were ever, never here
I'm on the outside, looking down
What do I see?
So much of this cold, in the ground
Where would i be?
On the outside, looking down
Cover me before you go
It's in your mind
It's in your eyes
So it's goodbye again
It's way past time
For one last try
So it's goodbye again
Your falling out,
I'm falling in
So it's goodbye again
It's way past time
For one last try
So it's goodbye... again
So it's goodbye again

Rado @ 12:54 AM
Tuesday, July 13

Vicom and NDP
Today wanted to send down my bike for inspection and renew my road tax with blur.. rush down straight to Vicom inspection center @ thompson after school.The people there are very friendly...esp the guy who inspect both our bike.A very down to earth guy who has this very funny slang actually hint on me not to go for inspection coz it will be a waste of money as my headlights are green in colour.We chatted as blur made payments at the counter...talk about my number plate and relate to him about how i got fine coz of my bike emitting alot of smoke.Really is a nice guy afterall...if only this world has more of this ppl huh

Talking abt Fines...i was really dissapointed not to get the NDP tix fo rthis year....nizz told me that the ballot result are out already.always have this theory that whoever pays a fine it always go towards funding the NDP.After paying $70 to the National enviroment agency i really was hoping to get a pair of NDP tix(i haven even been to a NDP b4 in my life!!!)Come to think of it blur was fine for littering at JP.... a whoopping fine of $200 juz for a cig butt!We use to joke and console ourself haha!

Blur:Wah sad ar $200 just gone like that...
Me:Well...look at the brightside atleast you got a share of the NDP fireworks *lmao*
Blur:Wtf...dun tok much you also got share of $70...i very generous ok.
Me:hahaha....issit then you should litter more mannz *laughing*

Sad no NDP tixs...eventho we got a share of the fireworks.

Rado @ 1:29 AM
Sunday, July 11

Birthday BBQ
Friday was bbqing at east coast park....great food great music...great people..a time for us to bond "AMONG" ourself.Its a big gathering for a pit...maybe he was't expecting that much crowd.Can be call a divided bbq...there was't even any introductions nor much interaction between bday boy and us...his bz bbqing,fiza(bdae boy gf) sparks a few conversation ..come to think about it;kinda regret going to embassy instead of cheeky monkeys...she seems to be a nice gal(keep calling me rayden...wth haha...the only time we chatted b4 the bbq was when i saw her at izwan house)..could have known fiza and her friends more if we were to go there that ladies nite.There are basically 3 groups...Fiza's friends,Izwan polyfriends(us) and the chestnutties(his secondary school frens).Major letdown was that bdae boy was not sabo at all!...it seems that most of the other guys was't so happening.-.- no wonder izwan was looking so sleepy...nobody wakes him up.=X

Fun actually starts at 11pm -3.30am
Rif finnally came...and the 7 of us start to get noisy when there are seats for us to seat and let loose.Walked around the park singing and laughing....best part is when a rollerblader couple fall...the guy fall,the gal tried to support him ...then wenjie saw and support the gal and his friend tried to pull up the guy bladder and almost end up getting hit on his head ..haha!play cards,go mac,see all those old guy with their mistress,wenjie finally decides to go steady with poyling...last but not least hadi wanted to get to know one of fiza's cousin...and so and so.....
Rado @ 4:16 PM

*refresh* Zen called...meet up wif later at 11pm.Slack chit chat and catch up with life with him @ sengkang Mrt.Head up to jb ...hoping to see sanjay at d usual spot but hes not there so went to the Petras Jaya..the so call halve Clarke quay and halve holland V of singapore to play billard.Lots of bengs at the pool center...infact there are only 2 gals there,the rest are guys.The pool center really posh...after playing,there will be someone who will actually keep the balls and cue for us.

After playing pool we go have supper. Tried the famous honey roasted chicken rice beside merlion tower. Really is the best chicken rice i have ever taste...surprisingly yesterday the place is sworn with bapoks. . .Hot stuff~

Zen and I really find pleasure and fun in dissing each other…its really is fun as you gotta be witty enough to counter his diss.Here is an example of what I diss zen(I wont say what he diss me though haha =D)

Zen:*laughing his balls off after dissing me*
Me:haha…eh brother you know what?...if you were to save on all of your soccer gambling money …you can actually afford a liposuction and dun have to keep drinking diet coke!
Zen counterattack:ahaha….What for brudder…I would rather give you the money to blab la bla *censored*
Ok that’s enough of dissing example…it can really get worst.I simply cant just post here everything that I diss him …not nicelah.I am a very nice guy ok.

Rado @ 3:00 PM

A Day
Cant sleep maybe coz to much of laughing and dissing zen...so here i am blogging.

Today seems to be rather a lot of running around day…Woke up at 2pm ..still feeling lazy after last night bbq. Receive a sms from my brother to collect stuff for my bro’s gf @ macpherson. Reached home…dad call..meet him up to help him return brother’s items home. Planned to meet up with darling at 6 for dinner…but was late all thanks to them. Do I look like the logistic guy?...really piss off!...there goes my Saturday afternoon

Reached PS late and still feeling pissed off….something magical happened, all of the sudden my mood changes when I see her smile from far….WOW~ what was that…and I start to smile too.

To be continue…..time to sleep...*yawn*

Rado @ 4:39 AM
Monday, July 5

Weekends Fun + Unfortunate
Unleashed the inner me during NUS bizness bash over at S.o.S.Meet up wif audrey and wiliam... my primary school frens or shall i say couple =X *mental block* So happy to see them ...realli bring backs the good ol memory.Both so cheerful,loving and was smiling the whole night long.The Ringleaders finally met up after almost two years,victor juz got back from taiwan for his national service training.Dammit he could not find the stuff i wanted!Zen,ganesh and his fren pareira was there also as we let our hair down and dance the night long ~~~

SoS plays great tracks especially for its retro room.R n B room is abit of a letdown..maybe coz im not really into RnB ...it juz get boring without sean paul songs.Zombie were seen dancing at the retro room...could not care less and dance to my beat.Zen actually did the guorilla dancing and audrey shake her booty! hahahaha!Really had fun ...

Went to JB to see "Soon" our fav personnal mechanic with ben and blur to do the bikes.Ben mod changed his yoshimura pipe to some illegal super big exhaust pipe for his CbR (Power to the max!) Blur did a full service for his bike....unfortunately after that as we speed down along the second link pushing our bike to the limit!...ben 400cc bike really make us envy....Almost had a heart attack when he darted pass us.Unfortunately n that night...blur meet up with and accident -.- His bike is in bad shape as he tried avoiding a car who cut his lane.Fortunately he still ok no broken bones only bruises and torn shirt... his bike still in running condition.Damn that malaysian driver...

Oh well lecture is going to finish and cindy wants me to type this in my blog.Been bothering me from juz now...cant get a peice of mind when she is around.
Cindy is so cute...cindy is so cute...cindy is so cute!(like real!)@@

Thats all for today folks!
Peace out!

Rado @ 2:38 PM
Friday, July 2

What when why??? 0 o
*Having the after effects of thai laksa...Dang i love thai food.*

Rock and roll class started today ...and its really is interesting.The guy actually plays out songs like jazz,delta blue thingy elaborating on the pioneers and the start of rock and rool.Too bad the class was't really full...bet ppl thinks that it must be some rock and roll learning crap thingy...but hey you guys are wrong mannz!It rocks and damn fun!

Havent been watching movies lately...been missing on loads of movie like the punisher,the dick has a chronicle,best bet.CAnt believe i havent watch punisher yet! Argh so later gonna have a movie marathon.First up watching best bet at tamp followed by Spiderman 2!Wanted to get 6 tix for spidey at grand but could only get 5 coz its already half book last night ><

PS:Thanks brudder aikawa for the tix at tamp! =D
Rado @ 1:53 PM

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