Maximum Sweetness

Boku no nagareboshi!
Beach Bummers

Kenny spotted

Can you bring me back to southpark?..i am not afraid anymore coz i got Rado's helmet!
Enter the matrix!
Paparazzi latest!
Hookdastank & Enriko iglesias

Hoobastank vocalist Rob Duog was seen together with enriko iglesias at a private party at a mama shop along little india.Rumours had it that both of them are working on a rock latin love single that will rock Little India!!
Artist of the Month
10 Cent

With his debut album Too much time to kill, 10 cent has effortlessly sparked off the trend of Hip-hop music. Hit after hit -- "In da Toilet," "In your dreams!," "Squirt da Daisy" and even did a track with famous rapper , G-Spot for " Who da hell is 10 cent?". After a two-year wait, 10 cent returns with the release of his new album , Retroristically Unsound.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Whats the point of having a blog?
Does perception of sumeone really matter or what?
What is wrong with butches nowadays?
Singapore is a fine city esp when its nearing NDP
Grooveriders will unite one fine day!
Why must this sem class timing sux?
who created the word "horny"?
what if the world is square?
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? ."
"Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose"
"charming the pants"
"If you cannot convince them, confuse them"

Links Blogs
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
Jokes of the week
25 Kids' Books That Didn't Make It

1- You're Different -- And That's Bad
2- The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3- Robert: Dad's New Wife
4- Fun Four-Letter Words to Know & Share
5- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
6- Kathy Was So Bad That Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
7- Curious George & The High-Voltage Fence
8- All Cats Go to Hell
9- The Little Sissy That Snitched
10- Why Can't Mr. Fork & Mrs. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
11- That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption
12- Grandpa Gets A Casket
13- 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
14- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15- Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
16- The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17- Strangers Have the Best Candy
18- Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
19- You Were An Accident
20- Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
21- Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
22- Your Nightmares Are Real
23- Where Would You Like to Be Buried?
24- You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
25- Valuable Protein & Other Nutritional Benefits of Things From Your Nose
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***This blog might not be updated daily by the owner as probably he has better things to do***

Where thoughts of psychedelic philosophical creatified nonchalanical paradigmatic ubiquitously of mine unites!
Saturday, October 30

Fancy trying to tarnish my reputation between my clicks behind my back...trying to turn da table around? It vont vork...who u trying to manipulate? my bros? Dont think so,me n ma bros are together for almost a decade and you wanna manipulate em? ...stop trying you are making a fool of yourself.Face it you are the bullshit guy lama wanna add oil to da fire?...i juz dun get it why must u make a fool of yourself..infact now u have been marked...okok i know u are very selfish wants everything for yourself.Jealousy will kill you one day..ever wonder why? look at yourself first.To me you are juz a leech...making use of ppl and when they know your pattern ul throw em away.To many u deceive with your sweet talks and praises ...i know you too well.Cunning and sly...always waiting for oppurtunities and all those fake lies and excuses you gave...self centered.Pot calling the kettle black,you are nothing to me but a big fat piggy foul-mouth leech...you have been warned.

PS:I wont be blogging much anymore...coz as of 1 nov...everything about me will be strictly confidential and private =) Finally...phew~

Rado @ 4:06 AM
Monday, October 25

Flight stewardess no confident?
Former flight stewardess Yati, 35, lacked confidence until she got 36D silicon breast implants. She was once a "withdrawn, shy" woman who envied her well-endowed friends in plunging necklines and bikinis. "I was not happy because I looked gawky," says Yati, who stands at 1.69m. "I looked like a boy and no matter what I wore, I didn't look womanly. I felt ugly because I had to wear padded bras to give me a fuller figure." The former 34B forked out about $8,000 for her surgery when she was 27. Now a D-cup, she's much happier: "I can slip into any outfit and still look sexy and womanly."Plastic surgeons say the number of breast augmentations here has doubled over the last four years. In 1999, the average number was just 20. The figures doubled in 2002. So far this year, the number of breast augmentations consultant plastic surgeon Leslie Kuek has done is equivalent to the each of the last few years. Another plastic surgeon, Dr Woffles Wu, operates on two to three women a week compared to just one to two a week two years ago. What is it about us women and boobs?

Rado @ 3:28 AM
Thursday, October 21

Dammit whats next
Traffic wardens help to reduce bus lane violations during peak hours

Traffic wardens are being sent to more areas to keep an eye out for drivers who flout the bus-only lane rule during peak hours.
In the last 4 months, wardens have significantly reduced the number of violations along Upper Thomson Road and Lorong Chuan.
Violations along Upper Thomson dropped from 600 to under 300 and at Lorong Chuan from more than 300 to about 250.
Offenders are fined $130 and given 4 demerit points.
The traffic wardens will soon be targeting two more hot spots along Changi and Geylang roads where there are many such violations

Excuese Excuses!

Rado @ 2:06 AM

Balance of life...juggle up or roll down
OH weeeeeeee the exams are over...finally those torment nights..last minute studying come to an end.Am so looking foward to the holis..so much things to do within two months,have to do this ...got to do that...but nvm one at a time.

Today i let someone try my bike after the last paper...he tries...he was happy...he was smilling...everybody looks...negotiate a turn...he dont know how to brake...onto the curb!...and he falls!Hell yeah!!! there goes my baby with a big drop... dun wanna say what happen anymore...all i know i send my baby to the bike shop....luckily its da fasting month,patience patience~.Information of that "lelaki with alot of ego" is strictly kept confidential. = (

Balance of life....too much of anything is not good.one has to balance betweenbasically everything but the main thing i am facing right now is to balance between friends,buddies ,loved one and commitments.YES tats right ...welcome to "Rado Self-improvement seminar!".Seriously ...ooh and studies.Lets juz look back a few days back...its my exam period and i just want to have some peace of mind studying without being sidturb...there are peepz who calls or sms me to go out or such...its so annoying sometimes but still cant really blame them ...its so bad that i totally have to switch off my hp and silence my house fone to catch some sleep during the day coz i dont study much in the day...its usually in the night.Morning there be this few ppl tries to reach me...evening my this clicks will try to contact me same goes to the night and after midnite clicks...give me a break? And now after the exams...i faced with da old enemy of mine...choosing to do this or do that. "hey sat go geylang...da peepz are going..bazaar time!","WAnna go JB?","eh radin go kayu now supper","maggi goreng...lets go!","Hey lets go rounding","eh brother wanna slack?","yo bor just book out lets.....","Sayang...wanna meet tomolo?" plus my commitments and interest and to make matter worst i dont really like to reject people...i dunnoe why but sometimes you just have to say NO."bottomline is everyone has to juggle such stuff in life or end up losing all...and so this end the seminar.Remember ...WEAR DIAPERS AND BE SPANKED.Thank You."*cheers* ahaha seminar?dream on.

Eugene finaly getting his SILVER kawasaki bike.Went window shopping and billard with him and arif before going down to UBi and test our bargaining skill...haha we only manage to bargain $100 of the machine price of 3000 but we phyco da max to the shop owner alot of stuff and freebies including the admin fee,road tax,transfer fee and also respraying of the bike and changing of new parts to the bike.LOL not bad huh.

Life continues....

Rado @ 1:09 AM
Thursday, October 14

Icedog with onions anyone?
There goes my 2 days and 2 nites of my study week at Downtown east with da peepz.There were ben clicks, paradigm peepz zaidi and his gf, my bros Azman and blur, buddy zen,grace,ganesh and ben himself.Its a fun and happening chalet with most of the peepz are outgoing and easy going,not to mention da hanky panky in the room and the hair plucking experience at the pool as wild wild wet is close on tuesday.There was wan the brother of the famous bartender Y of JAMs which so reminds me of "Najib Ali" except....hmmm. his fairer.Ben really make alot of effort getting the chocolaty miniature motoGP racing track cake which is so freaking hilarious with the plastic bikers and the paramedic on the big cake...before J-Lo boob cake now MotoGp track cake.What next?!

Night 1
Did not know that playing BLUFF could be so fun esp if the forfeit is to eat onions,salads and uncooked cold hotdogs or shall i say Icedog! i ate most of the icedogs tho,azman ate the most raw onions with his stoned eyes ,wan was the loudest always trying to bluff and zen was forever trying to look at other player cards coz he DONT LIKE TO LOSE!!! hah and resulting the remain 3 of us eating all those craps not to mention the final big breakfast.

Night 2
When to OCH....8 of us went on bens pick up.Tease some hot gays on our way there...mann those gays are so hardworking..they work on tuesday nite too.Wonder when is their off day.OCH is whacked....we were paired up into 2,me and ganesh leading da pack...lol reminds me of primary school!Overall its not really scary compared to the seletar camp site but the 2rd floor of the main building is spooky esp where we have to squeeze on the small corridor and exploring the darks rooms with bloods on the walls,the unlock room where we kick our way through the door into this room.Actually...the best part is that blur and grace were so scared that they were hold thier partners hand LOL and zen was always keep looking on the floor and asking us to leave that building.Poor chap he must be very scared.HAHA.

Went to shannor engagement party...wait its not really a party but something like a ceremony.When with basit, rauf and his fren...rizal could not make it last min coz of work.Reached at 2.30pm and was late for the "pernikahan"....Its like a dejavu...flashback of our primary school days when the four of us slack,joke and reminisced of our past primary school life...its like 1 person can only remember this much but when four ppl came together so much more can be remembered...silly incidents,jokes,crap talks and da chicks back on SGSS lol.am shocked when basit told us that he joined this bike group called Metal Maulisha which are a bunch of extreme scrambler riders who goes freestyle on road and off road,rauf is in Ns and is commited person esp to his gal now.

Sunday Nite
Darling back from thailand....she gotten for me a levis 513 pants.Such a sweetheart....maybe im down with my luck,the limited edition Levis reborn Lived-in-Day jeans is out of stock...anyway whats the point of buying such a pant if i not gonna wear it.Just like my workwear limited series...too precious that i seldom or shall i say rarely wear em.......buuutt itsssss limiiiiiteeeed....goooootaaa staaaart huuuuntiiiiig fooooooooorr ITttT~~~~~zzzz

Rado @ 5:28 AM
Wednesday, October 13

In search of its new prey...the prey has fallen not knowing wat is going to happen yet being blindly leaded to somewhere he can be fell thru the red thingy which is so reknown to everyone,auth no more...resistence is futile...it too late.maybe surely..nobody know.in god nor we trust,the bld slp.so much yet so fast...nor to con am i.Unable to face moi yet wishing up on it.heck coz its coming,yes it is...reckoning it.It is always a chain reaction...always it tries to cover it past...seen it works been there watch out peepz.its here to destroy the chain between all connections.understand not and try not to ..it be in vain.mark my word of wisdom yet solitute not.these words are my weapon of shit...im me now not him.look foward to the light where everything will be there one godly day.He will be there ...maybe soon maybe in his lifetime.I made it ...tank to someone.blo bor cix,b bob,as,nir,za,pir andmore faded.new block dark chaild...his good without it.grin in despo everything is poss if it is pre.presifide will he tried..rectifiying and restoring it.a bun of lama...coz u know leing go is al n opt pull so pull one 1 remember this codec and he.kaz on dow.. no good with or without.bazzarize he is there...predominatly looking foward to that. kees n dest..min da imp

Entertain us.

Rado @ 4:40 PM
Saturday, October 9

eyes pain in agony yet feeling so shag in euphoric state of mind and not blur in dillema at delirium level of mine to be sober in vain nuff

Peace out B town

Rado @ 5:34 AM
Wednesday, October 6

Finally found out the title of the song which have been on my head for days..gotta thanks MTV for that,was watching MTV when they showed "D" song mtv...Its really is a relive...i was like"hey thats the song....the stupid song in my head!" "OOOhh WeeEEeee" was followed after that man that mtv is hot, choreographing was super sleek and the babes are hot...juz makes me wanna groove to da beat~there goes my torment for these few days.. ill try to upload it to my blog so that you guys(if there is ppl reading my bloglah) can listen to it yeah? but then my main comp which has kazaa is down and i cant download that song now so u guys gotta wait...i think this song will be the next major RnB hits in clubs.Talking abt genre i think my soul appetite is changing...you know MUSIC IS FOOD FOR THE SOUL and that it seems that first up is RnB,retro,techno,hiphop and last but is the most major least is trance...maybe il juz change my blog name to RnBistrically?=P

am suppose to meet up adrian with blur,azman and RIP but then he postphone it to tomolo...what a crap.From monday to wednesday and to thursday.

Class chalet? why me?...huh?? do i look like a chalet planner?... yeah so far only 6 ppl paid for it including me,sherlyn is collecting da dough today as i am going school today.Life a slack....total slackness.Raymond is so freaking ON that he wanna bring his frens and galfren too-..-...wats the point of having it as a class chalet if u r bringing outside frens rite....girlfren boyfriend can ar but wat the heck i dont really mind.Lets juz hope it wont happen like last year where cass wanted to make the chalet in his dad yacht which is a pure b*** c***...well for those who know..you know wat i mean.

Life continues.......................................................................................................................

Rado @ 11:25 AM

Its to bounce

PS: .

Rado @ 11:08 AM
Saturday, October 2

Forgotten thoughts
Darn just when i was about to blog where my mind are so full of stuff to type i had a "memory overload?" all my thought are gone...ppl juz dont believe me when i say i got short memory -.-. Hmm letme see....wat was i thinking.*Sings*So Sally can wait, she knows its too late as we're walking on by .....*

Its already Oct 2nd...8 more days is gonna be shannor engagement party and here i am blogging.he actually wanted to make a reunion for all of us ...beeen asking for me for contacts of ol buddies...mann its been ages.Lucky for me i met him at beachroad few weeks back.Am wondering why ppl tied the engagement so fast...well i have seen ppl younger than him being engage.Maybe love is powerful indeed....so maybe there soon will be a trend for ppl to get engage young?and all those naive victims of trend will be following stupidly...blind by the the majority in favour...trying to be in.Talking bout victims of trend...so are the victims of fashion.Where are da self image and identities??

Imagine this.... one fine day all those common pretty cool sexy gals with rebond hair,fair skin,flawless body and complexion,skimpy outfit,big boobs,sexy voice will be so common that it will be a turnoff ...totally unappealing to the masses? And that those ugly,fat,short,twisted hair,scarface,voice like korn vocalist,smelly always keep farting picking nose bitches will be so appealing that ppl will actually drool and have dreams during their sleep and even Mtv will be showcasing these ppl?!? Ponder on that willya?

Its about time jackie chan did something good apart from all the stupid comedies like around the world in 80 days,shanghai noon with plots so freaking lame,New police story is which i believe is the best of jacky world of movie making...yeah i watched it juz now at tamp,wanted to watch ghost but there is no 10pm show and darl sure cant sleep if watch those scary shows at night...its so packed eventho its been weeks after its realease.Tough luck...on my left was this really oversize man and there goes my left armrest.

Lately there's this music stuck on my brain.i cant seem to figure out wats the title is but it RnB...its like only the background music tat keeps playing in my head and its so sickening.need to get it out~~OUTz

Rado @ 3:01 AM

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