Maximum Sweetness

Boku no nagareboshi!
Beach Bummers

Kenny spotted

Can you bring me back to southpark?..i am not afraid anymore coz i got Rado's helmet!
Enter the matrix!
Paparazzi latest!
Hookdastank & Enriko iglesias

Hoobastank vocalist Rob Duog was seen together with enriko iglesias at a private party at a mama shop along little india.Rumours had it that both of them are working on a rock latin love single that will rock Little India!!
Artist of the Month
10 Cent

With his debut album Too much time to kill, 10 cent has effortlessly sparked off the trend of Hip-hop music. Hit after hit -- "In da Toilet," "In your dreams!," "Squirt da Daisy" and even did a track with famous rapper , G-Spot for " Who da hell is 10 cent?". After a two-year wait, 10 cent returns with the release of his new album , Retroristically Unsound.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Whats the point of having a blog?
Does perception of sumeone really matter or what?
What is wrong with butches nowadays?
Singapore is a fine city esp when its nearing NDP
Grooveriders will unite one fine day!
Why must this sem class timing sux?
who created the word "horny"?
what if the world is square?
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? ."
"Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose"
"charming the pants"
"If you cannot convince them, confuse them"

Links Blogs
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
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April 2005
Jokes of the week
25 Kids' Books That Didn't Make It

1- You're Different -- And That's Bad
2- The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3- Robert: Dad's New Wife
4- Fun Four-Letter Words to Know & Share
5- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
6- Kathy Was So Bad That Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
7- Curious George & The High-Voltage Fence
8- All Cats Go to Hell
9- The Little Sissy That Snitched
10- Why Can't Mr. Fork & Mrs. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
11- That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption
12- Grandpa Gets A Casket
13- 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
14- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15- Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
16- The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17- Strangers Have the Best Candy
18- Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
19- You Were An Accident
20- Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
21- Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
22- Your Nightmares Are Real
23- Where Would You Like to Be Buried?
24- You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
25- Valuable Protein & Other Nutritional Benefits of Things From Your Nose
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***This blog might not be updated daily by the owner as probably he has better things to do***

Where thoughts of psychedelic philosophical creatified nonchalanical paradigmatic ubiquitously of mine unites!
Tuesday, September 28

Stuck in the middle?
I dunnoe why but these few days i have been facing sotuations where i have to choose between doing this or that.Doing this will result in this...doing that will result in that and that.Contemplating being unbiased yet objective upon many factors which affect the result really is sucky.it aint procrastinating nor wateva shito juz dun overimagine stuff.Try to look things at a different angle,perception or thinking.Sometimes i wish that i have a double me seriously.. yeah of course abit *ahem* =X

School today is a breeze..skip nf practical,"s" crashed nf lecture and sat with me n wenjie.Its really is great to see someone coming back to visit ex classmates after decided to change course.
3 of us slacked at the back gate and talk ...its really saddeningly shocking for one to change course not only because of uninterested in that course...but also coz of class politics,backstabbers and farked up ppz.Most of em look so innocent on da exterior yet are so hardbackstabbing freaks classmates of her...its really is good to have clicks on school to prevent such incident happening on you.Cheers to all my clicks

When on a triple date juz now,Irfan and fiza,Nora and Rudy and last but obviously not the least is me n my princess.had dinner at 2hot over at esplanade followed by ice cream at haagen daaz argh all the chocolate ice creamzzz.Its kinda like a belated and future celebration coz rudy going thailand on his birthday next week and irfan n darl bdae was on sept.

Tomolo will be MMID demo...argh gotta go school for just 30 mins and go back home!From east to west and back to east just for a 30 mins demo..sucha waste of effort and time and not to mention petrol LOL. Lets just hope that we 3 dun screw things up for tomolo demo...it just seems like all 3 of us are hanging by the moment waiting for tomolo D Demo Day to come day by day -.- ...........Tomolo evening will be ben future bdae celebration...hope the surprise will cheer him up abit.His been down lately or shld i say not his usual crappy self.

Rado @ 11:16 PM
Friday, September 24

End of the beginning
Today finally is the official day "no-more-project-crap-day". Hand in the media rock assigment and PQS report,apparently the whole of our PQS presentation is a joke...being shoot at by our teacher for our misleading and bullshitting report we did,everything seems to be like a whole gib joke...everyone was laughing.Media Rock teacher when bogus when he read my report he goes like "niche niche i gotta read this report" ...anyway grace i owe u one aight...so sweet of you=)

Today is another great day ...play pool,met haniff,singing in da rain,agitated zen again ...yada yada met darlz....yada yada yada,had a haircut...yaday yada coma at home...yada yada and time for survivor now.

Rado @ 9:52 PM
Wednesday, September 22

What happen when you put 3 bikers together?
Yesterday was rainign at school and there i was stuck at school.Sat at the carpark staring at the wall soon Zq n han cameby both looking so gloomy coz of the rain.We started chatting and joking.Hadi came hopping with his tapered jeans.We sat there from 4-5.40pm waiting for the rain to stop.As we waited and chat we can see most of the bikers who park at that carpark with our bikes...hadi seems to have a crush with one of the female riders who ride a green kawasaki when we all talk abt her.LOL too bad he left b4 that female rider came.its amazing how the 3 of us dun really find it boring sitting there for almost 2 hour chatting and observing ppl.There is this ang mo lecturer who rides the Yamaha Frazer which i think is kinda kewl, LS juz got his bike 2 days back abit cocky,that female riders name is katherine coz she paste her name on her bike -.- LoL we like got nothing to do sitting there aimlessly.

Han wanted to get his 2a bike soone...his aiming for this africa-twin lookalike touring 400cc bike which is so rare in Sg,think its abt 10 of those bike in sg only...he going to need all the luck to find that kind of bike.Zq license was't revoke but was suspended for 5 mths ...reckless riding,his gonna get another new bike;gotta salute his determination sometimes

I dunnoe why i m talking like this so freaking dull in my blog...maybe coz its going to rain and im suppose to watch dodgeball later with darl.Mannz i hate the raining season. =(

Rado @ 1:54 PM
Sunday, September 19

Live to dream or dream to live?

Young yet Furious

Perfect Confidence
Well done! You're wonderfully confident in yourself and your life - yet you don't fall into any of the traps of positive thinking. You're neither overconfident, with a tendency to overreach yourself. And you're not under-confident, with a tendency to underplay yourself. Perfect ten. You feel comfortable with yourself and your life and have a good balance between optimism and realism.

You're aware of when you need to change or act differently - and you don't tumble into a well of unhappiness if you realise that you need to improve. Plus, you're aware of when you need more resources, more information, more skills and more support, and you don't hold back in asking for it. You have a very well balanced personality.

Is there any room for improvement? You might want to learn more of the background to the whole arena of confidence and positive thinking - how it works, when it doesn't work, and what to do if things go wrong. Because however confident you are, a life disaster - illness, bereavement, relationship break-up - can come along and rock your boat. If it does, you'll want to know how to cope, how to regain your natural balance of optimism. Learn more about positivity by reading my book, Positive Thinking

why neva put yr food poisoning cum stress pre menstrual depression incident on yr blog?

PMS Guy:

Well well... It's been a long time since my heart has been at home. Now it can finally have a well deserved rest,coma for 5hr. Been quite a hectic day today. Went to school only to sit for a Programming test.Took a cab down with arif no bike coz too dangerous riding when you are stoned. Don't know whether I did well for it coz bla bla bla nizz..cant be help i succumb to it..Results were supposed to be out next week... I was so gonna be anxious.Mental Block. My balls were shrinking till the size of pearls. Cold sweat evaporated from the surface of my skin. The air-con was already so bloody cold, all this unnecassary sweating proves only to make me colder. Brr... But my heart was at home maybe coz of the lack of sleep and the flu i had since yesterday. =(Couldn't wait for the results coz today is an exceptional day where alot of eye glancing to my left =X. I wonder how Fuack is coping with his attachment. Gota ask him now. A not so eventful day today but still important.Won't write much today.Chill dudes.

Rado @ 4:51 AM
Wednesday, September 15

School is a killer today...everyone was trying to finish up their projects.Xw finally started on his part for our mmid project after much nagging by ed,hopefully he can finish by thursday nite or we will be screwed.Dunnoe why some ppl are so cocky...they just think highly of themself when they are't really that good or impressive.*He* called *us* a bunch of small fries today...for crying out loud we almost finish our project for crying out dick...if you got nothing better to say just shut da fuck up and he and his group just started off with their flash-.-.Gotta admit that some of my classmates are rather arrogant and cocky,today after school *us stayed at e-garage with arif and his classmates.Eugene was there too doing his programming.Somehow i think arif and eugene class is much much more better than my class,most of the guys in their class are so humble and willing to help others,they even help me with my programming.

Had lunch with cindy and suporn, was shocked when cindy says "hye radin,You are..ever since got your bike you forget abt us already sia..when is the last time u play pool with us?!" and so... this saturday is pool day. heh miss those days too when we played pool together as a big group...looking foward to this saturday for pool with em really is fun...what a shocker and i dun really forget friends that easily perhaps my life juz got a quick reshuffle.

Slacked off with deepan,arif and eugene,arif booking his TP soon,eugene finally got his riding license, and his not buying a scooter but getting a sport bike instead.Dunnoe why he dun like scooter...was telling him if he buy a scooter ill put him as my second rider and he put me too so that we can exchange bikes.My primary school fren iswandy is riding one scooter...looks cool got those retro aura with his coconut helmet plus scooter is cheap but still maybe he goes for sporty bike.

Bored..arif and eugene decided to spar each other and i become the referee..lol.The school is so dead at night...we can simple do anything we want,its like a ghost town and they spar outside e-garage.Haha the looks at eugene face..you know the "semangat face aka the bruce lee face" and his stupid sound effects really makes me laugh out loud!The score is 5-3 and eugene won coz of his forever attacking and swift attack,arif juz dun have the stamina i suppose.But then again Muay thai Vs Teakwondo...i prefer Muay thai... arif is forever defending and his blow seems to be more deadly then eugene kicks.So eugene is the winnder for tonite but he was knock out of the quarter final of his taekwondo tournament few weeks back.Arif is having a competition this friday ...hopes that he builds up his stamina and cut down on his smoking.The last time i spar with arif? is when we are working together with Mindstorm managers,dammit all those blue-black and he keep attack the joint(weak parts) eventho there is me and hakim sparring with just him...but heck he got one from me in his butt.Shiok.After all the funny faces and sounds...i learnt new pointers and weak points from both of em...suddenly got this rush to start pumping again.Argh life a slack but...*bruce lee yelp* LOL

Life continues.......

Rado @ 9:00 PM
Sunday, September 12

To egg or not to egg
What with all the fuss abt the birdflu in malaysia that keep stoping us from having our eggs.Im starting to be deprive of Sunny-side-up,scramble,mix-with prata egg.It seems like ever since the price of eggs went up vendors in Sg are not buying much of eggs.Once the prata shop in canteen 3 complaint to me that the price of one egg is $0.60 and that the reason for them not to buy it is coz it aint much of a profit unless they have to jack up the price of their prata.Friday nite meet up with amin and blur at jalan kayu for supper and boy are we so happy...apparently grace was kinda like bitching why we dun call her down eventho its last minute...but still she was with her buddy at that time,so its not really practical for her to come down....and so our order of maggi gorengs comes with egg!! and its sunny-side-up egg my fav~.We arent surprise that tat all 3 of us finish up our food in less than 10 mins ...its just so heavenly with that hot yolk piping egg calling up to us to eat em fast =p i not really sure why the goverment ban eggs from Malaysia so what if they have birdflu.the last time we when to JB the whole lot of us was happily enjoying our pattaya,ramly special,mee hongkong all with eggs and chicken.The locals dont seem to care much abt the birdflu situation tho.Even during my 2nd last trip to JB with haniff and zen,we were like "hey there is birdflu in JB" and we totally hacked care abt that and ate our burgers happily...joining the rest of the locals and Sg ppl at merlion tower(JB lau pa sat).Maybe the Singapore goverment is Kiasu...surely there is a way to test those eggs instead of totally banning the influx of egg from malaysia.Kiasuism? thats Singapore. -.-

Last nite had dinner with darling at beach raod,there something about her that brightens everyone around her ...its maybe coz of her sweet smile? no.. beautiful eyes? nono im not sure too maybe she uses black magic? LOL.Role playing is fun esp when she do it.The food court at beachroad is so pack and we had our fav chic Wanton noodles=p Meet shannor my primary school fren with her gf,we exchange numbers and chat abt making a primary school reunion..which i think is kinda impossible yet im keeping my finger crossed.Damn primary school life rawks...really happening.Then saw hafiz my secondary schoolmate...the guy who is so 'ON' with NCC last time and zaabah with "his" friends.Yeah maybe ill drop by more often at beach road its a great place to find old frenz huh?

Rado @ 4:00 PM
Friday, September 10

Someone wanna get a Scooter...a pinkish one
Oh yeah im back...yes his back ...yes his back ...yes his back yes his back.OK now where do i start...oh yeah receive a call from zen just now,apparently he juz met with an accident and his now at the polyclinic!...ahaha! funny ppl accident shld go hospital he go polyclinic...really full of shit guy...say he fracture his arm and his bike flunglah but in da end go polyclinic...Contradicting? ill cal him up later.

PQS class are so corrupted,almost everybody in the class was copying juz now when the silly teacher leave the class for-hell-dunnoe-wat-reason...i think he totally gave up on us and juz want us to pass and get over with his module.LOL.Its clear cut that he dun care if we copy or wat...arif me and allan was literally passing our answer around so is edmund and his clicks.

A friend in need is a friend indeed? grace gonna help me with my media rock project which i have to type out this 700 word abt any artist with rock background.700 words surely is nothing for a mass comm graduate cum SIm graduate...a breather for me.Heh grace im counting on you ...show me what you got.HAHA Load up da iron...long live iron maiden!

Thusday nite the peepz when over to jb again to do the usual stuff,eat slack do maintanence on our bike.Apparently that fateful nite ben was caught at the custom for bringing in ciggs.The customs had a minor operation to spot check those big bikes,so ben with his cbr400 and his fren RVF was given a thorough check...darn not really sure how many pack he brought in but 1 pack will cost him $100 in fine.So lets say if its 18 packs its gonna be $1800?After the spot check we waited for ben at the BKE, met these group of hardcore old timers aka "abang abang hardcore" along the Bke and started chatting bout their super big bike.One of em actually rides a Kawasaki Ninja 900cc which is so freaking big,lucky for him his big.nice chap...talk abt his touring expeditions to thailand and ipoh.Gotta salute these type of ppl mannz...its like their life are meant juz to tour around with their bike and dun need to work.So freaking cool with their bandanda...cant wait to get take my 2a and get a touring bike. All 5 of us stop waiting for ben and left the BkE at 4.15am as it was really late and some of us got school the next day.Poor ben.

Yaney finally decides to get a scooter...a pink one i think.Yeah so here i am advertising abt Yaney Wanna Get A Scooter Collection Drive.ahaha!..yah well basiccaly one juz have to donate $1 to me and ill get yani that pink scooter.Contact me for more details.LOL =X

Life lessons #674334357997
Gals are more horny than guys FULL STOP Proven by the mat seketiak.Researched at bukit timah plaza.

Rado @ 2:28 PM
Tuesday, September 7

A tribute to the suicidical
Received this song from an ex suicidical thinker(cant reveal who)...gotta love its piano and his GODLY voice.Who knows it might even encourage someone to do it.anyway 666 =X

Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
We are so youngour lives have just begun
but already we're considering
escape from this worldand we've waited for so long
for this moment to comewas so anxious to be together
together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
This world is a cruel place
and we're here only to lose
so before live tears us apart let
death bless me with you
Won't you die tonight for love

Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living
this live ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

Rado @ 1:25 AM

Scratch my back and ill scratch yours
Get this in your freaking head son...dont just think that everything has to go your way and if things dun go your way dont whine like a whore.Pissed of when one take things or friendship for granted.Fully exploiting someone coz of its kindness.I knwo your kind of person..utterly useless.Whine when things dun go your way....expects ppl to do things for you like oyur are some king's son in law neighbour dog.For crying out loud you are 19 years of age...start standing on your own two feet.


Rado @ 1:09 AM
Monday, September 6

A day when someone turn 50
Today when to darl house to celebrate her dad birthday...everybody was there, dali's three angel, aunt g, mr dali itself,uncle ivan and esther and rudy.Rudy came late coz the adidas outlet at pacific plaza closes at 10pm.reached marince cresent at 6.30 pm juz rite when they needed help putting up da decos and stuff.Kinda shock too see so much decos and girlie stuff for a small but lovely gathering.Eveybody was busy arranging presents and preparing food as its kinda like a surprise thingy when darl's dad came home after work....even buttercup da cat was busy purring trying to eat some KFC chicken off the dining table ...hah

Everything went smooth and the surprise was a success,best part of the day is when the birthday dad saw his birthday cake.A J-lo boob cake...haha so freaking kinky with the boob bulging out!.Cold jokes,wierd stories esp bout the tiger show at thailand , great foods and peepz esp bout the tiger show at thailand really makes the day...a great day indeed.

Rado @ 1:39 AM

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