Maximum Sweetness

Boku no nagareboshi!
Beach Bummers

Kenny spotted

Can you bring me back to southpark?..i am not afraid anymore coz i got Rado's helmet!
Enter the matrix!
Paparazzi latest!
Hookdastank & Enriko iglesias

Hoobastank vocalist Rob Duog was seen together with enriko iglesias at a private party at a mama shop along little india.Rumours had it that both of them are working on a rock latin love single that will rock Little India!!
Artist of the Month
10 Cent

With his debut album Too much time to kill, 10 cent has effortlessly sparked off the trend of Hip-hop music. Hit after hit -- "In da Toilet," "In your dreams!," "Squirt da Daisy" and even did a track with famous rapper , G-Spot for " Who da hell is 10 cent?". After a two-year wait, 10 cent returns with the release of his new album , Retroristically Unsound.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Whats the point of having a blog?
Does perception of sumeone really matter or what?
What is wrong with butches nowadays?
Singapore is a fine city esp when its nearing NDP
Grooveriders will unite one fine day!
Why must this sem class timing sux?
who created the word "horny"?
what if the world is square?
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? ."
"Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose"
"charming the pants"
"If you cannot convince them, confuse them"

Links Blogs
June 2004
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Jokes of the week
25 Kids' Books That Didn't Make It

1- You're Different -- And That's Bad
2- The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3- Robert: Dad's New Wife
4- Fun Four-Letter Words to Know & Share
5- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
6- Kathy Was So Bad That Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
7- Curious George & The High-Voltage Fence
8- All Cats Go to Hell
9- The Little Sissy That Snitched
10- Why Can't Mr. Fork & Mrs. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
11- That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption
12- Grandpa Gets A Casket
13- 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
14- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15- Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
16- The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17- Strangers Have the Best Candy
18- Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
19- You Were An Accident
20- Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
21- Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
22- Your Nightmares Are Real
23- Where Would You Like to Be Buried?
24- You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
25- Valuable Protein & Other Nutritional Benefits of Things From Your Nose
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***This blog might not be updated daily by the owner as probably he has better things to do***

Where thoughts of psychedelic philosophical creatified nonchalanical paradigmatic ubiquitously of mine unites!
Sunday, November 28

But butch can burn butches~
Allriiite....in this world there are suppose to have only females and males.Why da hell are there butches? Are they trying to be unique or could it be some upsetting events turn their lives upside down?Who cares rite? i dun do you? and so my this powderful entry is totally going to be about butches ...steady bom pi pi? <---butch language. first and formost if u are a butch or an ex butch i would recommend you not to carry on reading any furthure aight? juz close this window. jaaah rasta man chaaant...untill we reach da skkkkyyy i would fllllyyyyyyy~

FUCK ALL BUTCHES...god made u a gal...be it.the last straw has been blown over the line.I pity those butches who had to change due to some events in her life.i can feel you gal...juz like one of my fren.She used to be very pretty wearing skirt looking so sweet but then when her bf did something unfaithfully ..years later she change to become a butch and she slowly gains weight and become fat....Such a waste wearing all those big double t-shirst sport bra,compressing their upbody juz to make em look like normal boys.Haiz....i not actually targetting this version of butches coz u see these butches are usually humble and down to earth type who love to joke around slack etc.

The really farked up butch are those who purposely change juz for the sake of nothing.Seeking the attention or maybe trying to get all the pretty gals to themselve.You know which one im talking abt rite...usuaully these butches came from the all girls school trying to act so macho and stuck up.Like what i would LOVE to say....FUUCK YOU ...hope you choke and die.

The last straw for me happens on 11th of this month, A for my effort...its suppose to be my day but the butch took the trophy away.Pissed off why does it happens to me again esp with my peepz.This is my second encounter with such craps.

Another was...when i heard from my bro he was backstab by a butch at his work recently.I knew this guy/gal coz we used to be collegues ..back then we are one united and she dont dare to stab any of us...now when my bro is kinda like one party...there she goes backstabbing him.Poor chap.Sometimes i wonder if this butch ever had sex...with whom a gal or a guy.The thing abt this particular butche...she keep trying to find fault with those weak party...finding any oppurtunity to fuck those new ppl..backstab em and all those bad stuff ar...you know evil stuff.I guess its juz their upbringing maybe that the find pleasure from doing all these evil things.When things get hot...they see of the other party is timid ..if they are they would threaten them and hit em but if not they would simply walk off running away from the danger.So guys...dun show fear to these butches...they dont even have it.Fear would only add oil to the fire...speaking abt machoness why da hell they walk off from it after all the talking.Talk is cheap...esp if it came from a butch.

I remember watching the Singapore Idol...there this one part where olinda(butch) have to work in groups of four and each have their own line to sing.Apparently during the practice where they are allocated the line to sing by this one women...she like kept her cool and dont talk much.And after that during the judge comment of why the other 3 sing only few lines..why was like bla bla bla bla in the backstage ...talking like no brain speaking bad of the gal..she shld have stop and talk to the lady during the practise and not bitched foul mouth her after the audition rite.Some perfect example of butch and their evil doing in this world.696. Farked up...no wonder the judge comment abt her that she does not have the potential to be an idol..anyway she is out of the competition already,finally something abt a butch that made me happy.

Back in my secondary school...i can never forget the day where the whole of us when down to orchard road near borders and we approched this butch.

One of us:Hey brother what time is it now?
Butch: 2.45pm(forgot the timing already)
One of us:Hey thanks alot man

after saying thanks to the butch, that guy gave a punch at the butch chest on purpose.Its not really a punch where ppl fight but like a thank you punch/tap.ahahah and the stupid butch still can punch/tap him back and blush at the guys chest..and we laught our way down to far east!

Moral of story:Butch are naive...easily influenced.

Once a butch ...always a butch.I have seen this butch change back to a gal and this gal is finding it hard to fall in love.,,infact there are two butch i have seen getting into such situations.And all the relationship turn sour withing months...there this part where she turn so desperate that even wiling to date a loser and calling guys up.So gals pls dont consider ever to be a butch..not worth it.Be proud that you are a woman.Once you become a butch it would be too late to undo the evil doings.

Let me end this entry with a song i compose abt butches..


Butch oh where you been
making a fool of yourself
again as we sing
finding plenty faults
with the innocent
without any guilt
like your pastime is

ooooh...why dont you choke and die
oooooh slow or fast
just go and leave this world
oooohhh wooohoooo
you heard us gooo get going

You get all the pretty gals
not knowing
that they hate you
everything about you
your guts
your confidence
your face
even your shit!

ooooh...why dont you choke and die
oooooh slow or fast
just go and leave this world
oooohhh wooohoooo
you heard us gooo get going

Peace out V town.

Rado @ 11:34 AM
Thursday, November 25

What what? Chill out...get get ..get loose.Argh wanted to blog but then sudenly feel like sleepin! YES rado is back to blogging!~ Ding dang ...ding ding ding dang...ding ding dong.

Peace out V town.

Rado @ 1:37 PM
Friday, November 5

What happens
What happens when you have the power to control many people of their employment...anything you say or write might affect a person rice bowl,its family, kids,education,utilities bills etc.The unhappy look on its children face when they dont have enought food to eat or anything to buy...esp if the family has only 1 breadwinner.What happen if big shots were to rely on you so much to save its family buisness?Will you break down and rot.No?What happen when ppl expect you to do stuff...one man show?Conscience-stricken...stuck in the middle?Yet again no one shld have the right to abuse its trust and authority...it boils down to the individual itself.You reap what you sow...i am just to check on stuff nothing more.Tommorow will be the judgement day for you..wish u luck.

Tonite we ride with the wind
Tommorow the wind will ride with us
North-side South-side we ride
blood brudders keep it real
In god we trust

Rado @ 6:02 PM

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