Maximum Sweetness

Boku no nagareboshi!
Beach Bummers

Kenny spotted

Can you bring me back to southpark?..i am not afraid anymore coz i got Rado's helmet!
Enter the matrix!
Paparazzi latest!
Hookdastank & Enriko iglesias

Hoobastank vocalist Rob Duog was seen together with enriko iglesias at a private party at a mama shop along little india.Rumours had it that both of them are working on a rock latin love single that will rock Little India!!
Artist of the Month
10 Cent

With his debut album Too much time to kill, 10 cent has effortlessly sparked off the trend of Hip-hop music. Hit after hit -- "In da Toilet," "In your dreams!," "Squirt da Daisy" and even did a track with famous rapper , G-Spot for " Who da hell is 10 cent?". After a two-year wait, 10 cent returns with the release of his new album , Retroristically Unsound.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Whats the point of having a blog?
Does perception of sumeone really matter or what?
What is wrong with butches nowadays?
Singapore is a fine city esp when its nearing NDP
Grooveriders will unite one fine day!
Why must this sem class timing sux?
who created the word "horny"?
what if the world is square?
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? ."
"Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose"
"charming the pants"
"If you cannot convince them, confuse them"

Links Blogs
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
Jokes of the week
25 Kids' Books That Didn't Make It

1- You're Different -- And That's Bad
2- The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3- Robert: Dad's New Wife
4- Fun Four-Letter Words to Know & Share
5- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
6- Kathy Was So Bad That Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
7- Curious George & The High-Voltage Fence
8- All Cats Go to Hell
9- The Little Sissy That Snitched
10- Why Can't Mr. Fork & Mrs. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
11- That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption
12- Grandpa Gets A Casket
13- 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
14- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15- Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
16- The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17- Strangers Have the Best Candy
18- Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
19- You Were An Accident
20- Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
21- Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
22- Your Nightmares Are Real
23- Where Would You Like to Be Buried?
24- You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
25- Valuable Protein & Other Nutritional Benefits of Things From Your Nose
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***This blog might not be updated daily by the owner as probably he has better things to do***

Where thoughts of psychedelic philosophical creatified nonchalanical paradigmatic ubiquitously of mine unites!
Monday, February 28

Wedding bells bluesssss
Went to school for a pathetic 25 mins lecture ...actually 1 hour but then i came late as usual.Was told by noriko that allocation of supervisor for attachee were release and mann im attached to this guy call Chan Kim Loy. Who is he? i also dunnoe but then noriko too kana attached to him...anyway CALDECOTT here we COMEEE! to think attachment sucks...not really unless u are attached to PSA like deepan =X

Hell yeah i pass my practical 1 ...really am semangat to get myself a bigger bike.Already made arrangement with some of the ppl from the forum...its either gonna be a CBR 400 or maybe a super 4...we just see how ar.Met a long lost frien d ashraf at ssdc...boy his taking his class 2...dunnoe if he pass his tp.Still can remember the days we slack and chill out on the streets of orchard road when i was like sec 3...too bad we lost contact with da peepz(fezlan,hilmie,yazid,rizal,alvin,jaya,azman and firdaus).Overnite over at the swensen at paragon use to be our pass favourite time...still can remember one time where we were bored and they decided to do something crazy like whacking this ahbeng at takashima,riding hilmie scooter at the carpark doing wheelie and fall...mannz thats whacked shitz! or the bechalor party at JB with jaya as our tour guide lol.Damn happening but i guess now his kinda like settle down riding his super 4 with his faring galfren.Sweet...thats life

Lets get it started........running running....oh huuu h ah ha~yayayayayayayaya
Ill end this entry with some pics from ben's ROM(last thurs) n My Big cousin wedding(last sunday) and JB trip with wak kang

Radin Saifull & Siti zuraidah wedding

Grace n Ben ROM

Hairull,Azman and Zen...not your ordinary insuarance agent!

Cant Pig no more @ swisshotel

Guess guess guess...where is this place? Guess and win an all sbs expense trip to geylang serai!
Rado @ 7:30 PM
Sunday, February 20

Friday = woah day

Had a gathering at marina south with darling, azman and blur.What would you do at marina south?..of course we when to eat dinner there la.After 2 hours of eating and laughter we went to the arcade to play games.We played Daytona where i got 1st place and darl got 2nd!...haha suprisingly azman got 3 and blur got last place!!...tag team championship ok we were like blocking their way all da way and make azman car go outta course! HAHA.Photoplay was darl fav...apparently the machine keep asking us to continue without inserting tokens...we played till our brains goes tired.Last but not least we played the stupid yet hilarious bashi mushi err i forgot the machine name...Its been 3 years since i last step into an arcade,the last time was when im working at robinson and played the sniper game with the big sniper gun(mann i was really addicted to that...each time i was at the last stage there will always be a crowd behind me)...Guess we will always be young at heart even tho at the age of 21. The best part of the gathering was when i receive my belated gift...which i can still remember the reactions going on in my brain...Woah as i turn the box around.Yup its a 1/100 blitz g unit! totally was't wat i expected the present would be...Its a blitz with my favourite colour black and red...power mannz~ Ragga mann rangga.

Saturday meet up with da peepz at changi...did the usual stuff and found myself another buyer for my bike.yup i told adimann that im letting go of my bike soon ...and he wanted to buy my bike.Thats will make him the second on the list.Seriously i dun wanna part with my bike...so many history and kisah2 manis(sweet memories and funny one too) but sometimes we just have to sacrifice to achieve something greater.Sometimes i wish i just struck toto or 4d and keep this bike and buy a 2a bike....juz like iksan sister bf...where he inherit half a million and has 3 bikes. A 125z, Super four Vtec and a untimatum blue R1 Yamaha 1000cc. Mannz how i wish.....

Sunday ...I am now about to finish blogging as you can see that ill end my entry soon.Am currently stuck with my E commerce Project and Basic Animation Proggy and my warning letter for my modules has been up to 6.Yup back to reality...

PS:I find people who keep copying/imitating people without their own identity ..very irritating.Aint no trendsetter but my identity is mine created and discover by myself...so rip off sux...to maek matter worst act like you are the pioneer.Be original and have a mind off your own will you? =/
Rado @ 1:17 PM
Tuesday, February 15

21 and counting.. 1 2 3 4?
I just seems like yesterday that i wanted to watch a nc16 movie ...but now i can watch a RA show! yup am 21 yesterday.Time ssems to travel very fast or could it be that we do not really take notice of the time.Yerp yesterday was really is a superb day for me(except the fact that my bike make some prob)..spending Vdae and my birthday at one shot was super great mannz esp with her.She even cook me my favourite dish at her home for the first time..what a day to start off. The green chilli padi ayam lemak was superb and was really is a shocker as she dun really cook but she did it for me but then again my grannys cooking is better coz of the extra herbs tho.Kewl...we watched constantine too.Great show but too bad the ending was abit crappy where lucifer came down to earth and take its own son and the shows seem to be advocating for smoking is unhealthy thingy.The cinema was packed but we manage to get seat where both 2 side of our seat are unoccupied...yeah its true the whole cinema is fullhouse. thanks to D guy and his underground methods =X Ok enuff already or this entry will be mega duper long...even if ppl were to ask me how is my bdae it would be hard to describe everything!Have yet to meet up with my bros ...maybe thats the downside of born on Vday? Guess what are they getting for me....there is still ocassion called a belated celebration? => a pic speaks a thousand words.

Today meet up with eugene,arip, deep and hadi during break.Yeap luckily for me hadi came late and he miss the birthday bash right after lunch...farny shit happen to gene tho on v day ...lol =X
Imagine 21 x 5 person(if hakim were there) punches and blows? yeah guys will be guys....a birthday bash alrite at the ground floor toilet to celebrate my 21th bdae.Freaking deep keep trying to aim my stomach and gene was giving sidekicks from his teakwondo training! arip with his muay thai punches...mann i manage to block some of em but then again it was too many of em and i focus on blocking mychest area n stomach. Mann my body still aching from it. Round 1 picture extracted from the video we took.

Round 2
Always believe in retribution...yearp deep was giving cheap blows at my stomach and he got his retribution alrite...ahaahah.round 2 ended when deep was giving its cheap hits and apparently arip deadly punch hit deep wrist and it breaks the watch straps!!! wahahahhahahaha. funny shit Everything came to a pause when the watch drop off and its battery cover came off! The watch is actually a V day present from his girlfren 2 days back!...whacked stuff he was so piss if only u guys can count the number of Fcuk n Cb words he plutter u will be amazed.LOL there goes his fossil watch!.....Moral of story? Dun give cheap shots! LOL!!!
Round 2 pics with deep pissed off!:

When to repair my wheel bearing at combine motor...got to know this mat motor who is riding a kawasaki zx 750.He was changing his block and i was beside him...we chatted and guess what?We started chatting about 2a bikes ...CBR 400, Zx series and then came to a point where he start lecturing me.Fancy being lecture at a bikeshop by an abang motor 1 day after my bdae!! Apparently he was scolding me for wasting my time not taking my 2a license...and that i should take it asap...mann was he really uptight when he hear me slacking not taking my 2a.DAmn hardcore biker i must say but yet again i have to thank him for giving me the drive to take my 2a.LOL right after i repair my bike i went straight to ssdc and enroll my 2a.All thanks to the mat motor! cant wait for my pract on monday!

Peace Out B town.
Rado @ 10:17 PM
Wednesday, February 9

A normal entry before it gets tight
Hey yah...gong Xi Fat Chai mann.I think this year all the cockster more crappy coz tomolo millions of people will be ushering the year of the rooster( am i right?) yeah heh...and for those who jiwang people valentime day is also around the corner. Yup yup v day what so special about that day huh? ...hmm anyway this week is totally like holiday week thanks to the public holidays! i wont be blogging much (as if i blog much like that) after this entry so hope all my devotees will bear with me ya...ok yah well maybe coz of work ,school,special occasions and my 2A practicals..yup finally next week ill be taking my 2a! The moment of truth is here~~

PS: Docustate Sodium makes me deaf =X

Ill end this entry with some pics and crap...do enjoy.

Np Ict idol ...Patricia...yup she did it again.......courtesy of Cassidy

Glow mann glooow

Repesenting mr cork..* round of applause*

Rado @ 2:09 AM
Monday, February 7

Attention seekers

Rado @ 1:43 AM

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