Maximum Sweetness

Boku no nagareboshi!
Beach Bummers

Kenny spotted

Can you bring me back to southpark?..i am not afraid anymore coz i got Rado's helmet!
Enter the matrix!
Paparazzi latest!
Hookdastank & Enriko iglesias

Hoobastank vocalist Rob Duog was seen together with enriko iglesias at a private party at a mama shop along little india.Rumours had it that both of them are working on a rock latin love single that will rock Little India!!
Artist of the Month
10 Cent

With his debut album Too much time to kill, 10 cent has effortlessly sparked off the trend of Hip-hop music. Hit after hit -- "In da Toilet," "In your dreams!," "Squirt da Daisy" and even did a track with famous rapper , G-Spot for " Who da hell is 10 cent?". After a two-year wait, 10 cent returns with the release of his new album , Retroristically Unsound.
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Whats the point of having a blog?
Does perception of sumeone really matter or what?
What is wrong with butches nowadays?
Singapore is a fine city esp when its nearing NDP
Grooveriders will unite one fine day!
Why must this sem class timing sux?
who created the word "horny"?
what if the world is square?
"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions? ."
"Never get into fights with ugly people because they have nothing to lose"
"charming the pants"
"If you cannot convince them, confuse them"

Links Blogs
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
Jokes of the week
25 Kids' Books That Didn't Make It

1- You're Different -- And That's Bad
2- The Boy Who Died From Eating All His Vegetables
3- Robert: Dad's New Wife
4- Fun Four-Letter Words to Know & Share
5- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
6- Kathy Was So Bad That Her Mom Stopped Loving Her
7- Curious George & The High-Voltage Fence
8- All Cats Go to Hell
9- The Little Sissy That Snitched
10- Why Can't Mr. Fork & Mrs. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?
11- That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption
12- Grandpa Gets A Casket
13- 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
14- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
15- Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
16- The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
17- Strangers Have the Best Candy
18- Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
19- You Were An Accident
20- Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
21- Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
22- Your Nightmares Are Real
23- Where Would You Like to Be Buried?
24- You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
25- Valuable Protein & Other Nutritional Benefits of Things From Your Nose
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***This blog might not be updated daily by the owner as probably he has better things to do***

Where thoughts of psychedelic philosophical creatified nonchalanical paradigmatic ubiquitously of mine unites!
Sunday, March 27

Video dedicated to a special friend back in 2001...
Ok guys this <--- video is dedicated a to very special friend of mine back in 2001.Even thought we saw each other again at east coast.Shit happens ok...aint nobody fault.

Stay tuned for more of my fav Music Videos...only at

Dj Rado.
Peace Out~
Rado @ 6:11 PM
Saturday, March 26

For eveything else...use Mastercard~
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Cat Food : $20

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5 Guys 2 Gals Bdae Party@tunnel : $Hundreds

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Watching Your Buddies 3 minutes after this: Priceless!
Rado @ 12:51 PM
Monday, March 21

End of spanish lesson
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Spanish wannabes perasaan 100%

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¡vete a la mierda!-tranquilidad de ánimo la son

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100% homegrown spaniards

Mucho Gusto
Rado @ 8:12 PM

Thursday, March 17

Aprilla raped at Taman Sentosa
A story of a fren's stolen aprilla.....He went.He clubs.He had fun.The chicks packs.The money flys.The leg soften.He heads out.He dumbfounded.Aprilla no more.
That was about 3 weeks ago when he lost his bike outside a Jb nightclub along taman sentosa..together with a super 4.

Two days back...his bike was found by the malaysian authorities.Park at some isolated police post together with all those confiscated or stolen bike.There are quite a handful of SG bikes all with their parts stolen or damage.Corrupted country with corrupted people..even had to pay service money to the police.farked up peepz
Morale of story?:Dont go to nightclubs at JB..note i say nightclubs not clubs.
PS:Bikers dun park your bike at Taman Sentosa..

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Rescue Unit @ isolated bikeyard

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Raped aprilla

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Towing@Taman Sentosa

End this entry with some pics..till then stay safe.

Juz chilling~
Rado @ 1:21 PM
Saturday, March 12

We live in a sick world where people like you exist...YESH YOU!
Singaporean couple in Sydney charged with attempted murder of daughters

SYDNEY: A Singaporean couple living in Sydney have been charged with attempted murder after allegedly administering poison to their two young daughters.
The 35-year-old man and his 36-year-old wife were arrested on Friday morning.
The two girls, aged six and seven years, were taken to Westmade children's hospital, one of the best hospitals in Sydney.
Doctors say they don't know whether the children will survive.
They are on life support.
The couple will appear in court on Saturday.
More details on their identity and their motive for administering poison to the children will then be revealed. - CNA

Read the title of this post...while reading if you ever feel a pinch of salt tat you are sick then you are really is sick..sick as in crazy ...yah you are sick alrite.Dun act like i dunnoe like that...Mannz i love mind games maybe i go be a phycologist one day? LOL ok enuff of mind games...dunnoe why i start thinking of such crap anyway..maybe coz the lack of sleep.Yup maybe...wed nite had only 3 hours of sleep.Itz azman bdae and we went tunnel,slept from 7am-10am and heads to school with hadi an d also coz of the Animation project which is so freaking ma fan esp to render the frames or the cocks ups with the camera angle n shit.
Remember you are sick...dun fake it.
Rado @ 1:47 AM
Monday, March 7

Dotcom crash shrinks millionaires' club
Last year's dotcom crash is being blamed for a fall in the number of millionaires in Britain - the first reduction in numbers in a decade.
The number of millionaries fell from a record 69,600 in 2000 to 68,700 last year. Heavy stock market investors suffered the worst, at the hands of last year's stock crash, says a new study published by analyst Datamonitor.
But Datamonitor warns that the slump will be shortlived.
It predicts that membership of the "millionaires' club of Britain will exceed the 100,000 mark within the next four years."
Growth will be driven particularly by a sharp increase in the number of self-made businessmen and women, and wealthy pensioners with stock-piled earnings.
The report also predicts strong growth in the number of Muslim entrepreneurs, who are increasingly keen to invest in the stock market following a relaxing of rules by Islamic authorities in the mid 1990s.

One of the severely affected by the fall of dotcom!
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Rado @ 12:40 AM

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